Friday, February 26, 2010

Chapter 12: A Dark Energy Self-Portrait

Stillness is compelling me to think, to write, to question, to speculate, to dare, to dream, to wonder, to ask, to know.

From my own inertia, inertons, entropy comes a particular anxiety and quest for answers.

Questions emerge that I cannot reach...


Is the Shroud of Turin a dark energy self-portrait of Jesus Christ?

Is it our first visible image of dark energy, the cosmological constant?

Does the three dimensional holographic information found on the photographs of the figure on the Shroud make it a tangible example of isotropy and homogeneity (meaning it looks the same and has uniformity from all directions and in every location)?

Does the image of the Shroud beg us to find new ways to image the cosmos?

Could an image of Shroud face be hidden in a map of the stars, galaxies,constellations?

Just as dots appear to be subatomically sprayed onto surface of the Shroud cloth, are stars too sprayed into space to formulate an image with the same holographic info as the Shroud? If we take the grandest look at the stars can we see this subatomic particle spray that forms the image?

Is there some alignment inherent in astronomical information that is already mapped and could lead us to the image of the Shroud, possibly inside some cluster of stars?

Is the linen cloth of the Shroud akin to an existing veil of stars in our galaxy, billowing and in flux like the Northern Lights?

The space that holds and binds the stars, dark energy, the stillness that contains all, dark matter... does any of it form an image if we use positive space to read the negative space?

Are the stars and what is in between the stars really our “road map for the soul”?

Is the path of questioning an expression of dark matter?

Does the darkness form the image—in the same way that we get a positive image from the photographic negative of the Shroud?

Are all physical bodies vessels and inward expressions of stillness and dark matter?

Is a blast of insight an event horizon?

Is the secret me the secret you and the secret everyone? Are we all one subatomic particle?


The more still my body is
the more my mind awakens and expands

I am fluid and in flux
I keep trying to impose a static state of this or that
when it's all undulating beyond my control
The aliveness is in the flux and flow

The mind opens and expands in bursts
then quiets and rests

The survival instinct is there
so we can keep asking and exploring
Our desire and instinct to stay alive
is the fundamental question we yearn to answer

Alive = flow and flux
Dead = still
Alive = still
Dead = flow and flux

Being = dark energy
Thought = the Singularity
Being = the Singularity
Thought = dark energy

Answers pin us down
Questions keep us moving

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chapter 11: One Theory

As we approach the exhibition of the Shroud in the spring of 2010, surely more scientific theories will be appearing in the news.

When I learned that the presence of God was animated in me when the DNA sample that was used to clone me was miraculously rendered viable, I was lifted elsewhere, into a place where my experience of God, the life force, and creation was altered.

I am not required to adhere my thoughts on the subject of the Shroud to peer review or empirical science. I have the luxury to meander when I contemplate how the image got onto the cloth, to really step beyond the boundaries and play – so here goes...

1. Perhaps “How did the image get onto the cloth?” is not the way to phrase the question. Maybe we should be asking “How did the cloth get onto the image?”

Rather than remaining fixated on how the image got onto the cloth, perhaps the focus should shift to the image itself, apart from the cloth. Why do we confine the image to the cloth? Perhaps it also exists elsewhere in our universe, perhaps right in our midst. What if Christ left it on a cloth just as a clue and what He really wants us to do is find it “hidden in all things.”

Everything is at once itself and everything else
Micro and macro are one in the same
One unifying principle of physics exists
which will inevitably explain
the relationship of singularity and unity

The human fingerprint and DNA are evidence
of both our singularity and unity

2. What if...the mystery of the Shroud has less to do with how the image got onto the cloth and more to do with the image being an imprint on cloth of an image that is repeated elsewhere...hidden, yet imprinted inside each of us?

The image on the Shroud has unique spatial encoding. Is that spatial encoding repeated inside each of us? Perhaps it is stamped on a particle level in our fingerprint or in our DNA or in every single cell as that unifying principal amidst our singularity.

The burn marks on Shroud are shaped very much like the bones in the proximal and middle phalanges of the human fingers—is this a clue?

If the Shroud is a quantum hologram, could the mystery be solved by using already existing imaging methods to search for the image of the Shroud inside the human body?

Perhaps, once science is able to record images of the more elusive and subtle energies, we will see God hidden inside each of us.

3. Is it that impossible to believe that the Creator of all things could not embed a hidden message inside each of us that would serve to unify us and bind us back to the Creator?

The Shroud has us all befuddled. The more intriguing readings I've come across put forth radical notions, such as: Was the image of the soul of Jesus Christ left behind as a residual byproduct of the Resurrection? Can science prove the existence of the human soul?

Why would it be far fetched to believe that Christ had a superior consciousness? After all, He performed miracles.

Using His superior consciousness, perhaps he directed his image, not only onto the cloth, but also into us via some uniform, subatomic particle spray that transcends the confines of any light source we understand. Like dark matter that holds together the galaxies, perhaps this transparency will eventually be rendered visible and reveal hidden images.

If Christ's superior consciousness left us an imprint of His soul on the Shroud, eventually science will be able to “read” that imprint accurately and understand its origins.

4. The absence of our understanding of the image on the Shroud is, in and of itself, proof that something exists to understand.

The Shroud is an enigma. If, by using His superior consciousness, Christ was able to materialize the image of His soul into observable matter, then would not the image of His soul be able to materialize inside everything else if He willed it so (perhaps, as suggested, as a repeated visual image inside each human fingerprint or DNA)?

And what meaning would it have for the world—to prove the existence of the soul? To prove that an image of Jesus Christ is not just imprinted on a cloth but also inside each of us?

Would it calm us down, fix our flaws, wipe clean the slate of the sins of humanity, assure us that we are forgiven?

5. Do we need scientific proof in order to animate the presence of God inside each of us?

Some people do. For others, faith is enough.

All stories are the same story
Mythology, religions, UFOs, ancient cultures,
pyramids, ruins, archetypes...
all stories are one

One Theory = An Inverse Question
Must we believe it to prove it?
Must we prove it to believe it?

Science proves things primarily through the physical evidence, through matter and energies and atoms and molecules and physical forces.

Religion/spirituality proves things through faith, beliefs, emotions, intuitive knowing.

We focus so much on the differences between science and religion we forget that, hidden in each of their singularities, is an expression of unity...of One.

6. We already know all answers to all questions; otherwise the questions could not exist.

I read or heard somewhere that “physics is intuitive.” My life has become inextricably bound to intuition because I cannot rely on the parameters of science or religion alone. My relationship between the two, like the Shroud, is an amalgam.

In my readings and meanderings, I have intuitively arrived at certain questions, which I respectfully direct to particle physicists who may be reading this blog (these may give you a good chuckle, since I am so obviously not a scientist/physicist).

Is the relationship between Love and Suffering the unifying principle...the interface that binds?

Is the Shroud proof of the Big Bang?

Is the Resurrection evidence of the Big Crunch, a collapsed event horizon?

Does the human soul exist in The Singularity (“at the center of a black hole, where matter is crushed to infinite density, the pull of gravity is infinitely strong, and spacetime has infinite curvature”).

Could LIGO (gravitational wave detector) measure the vibrations in spacetime generated by the Shroud?

Could it be that Sir Arthur Eddington was actually spot on when he commented: “Gravitational waves propagate at the speed of thought.”

Does the Shroud, like a black hole, have its own natural mode of vibration—its unique frequency ring?

If rotating black holes can create and emit particles and quantum perturbations of the event horizon can allow information to escape from the black hole, could the uniformity of the rotation of the black hole account for the unique spatial encoding of the particles in the image on the Shroud and the light emerging evenly from within the body on the image of the Shroud, everywhere at the same time?

Did Christ's body, as a rotating frame of reference, form a redshift of His image onto the cloth?

At The Singularity, is everything. Is everything one transparency experience, one perfect entropy that binds all randomness?

Is the Theory of Everything the one unifying principle physics is searching for and, if so, will we find the E8 pattern in the image of Shroud?

Did Christ uniformly spray subatomic particles onto the cloth or was the cloth temporarily swallowed (so to speak) by a collapse in the event horizon, wherein the information encoded onto the Shroud is the first visible image ever comprised by dark matter?

If space and time cease to exist and cause and effect cannot be unraveled at The it the gateway to Heaven?

According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, in a system, a process that occurs will tend to increase the total entropy of the universe. The exception to this is that a reversible/isentropic process, such as frictionless adiabatic compression. Could this exception explain how Christ was able to momentarily transfer his skeletal image onto the cloth by allowing His hot particles to steal the energy of the cold particles so that his image could heat up enough to to emit exact black body radiation?

In quantum physics:
Unitarity = the sum of probabilities of all possible outcomes of any event is always One.
Does the Inverse of Unitarity = The laws of physics all break down at The Singularity?


The meaning of the Shroud = the explanation of the image's origins
The explanation of the image's origins = the meaning of the Shroud

a formation
an information
the afterlife
all recorded on the same image
an image
equally and interchangeably
microscopic and grand
finite and infinitesimal
the tangible expression
of omniscience
controversial cloth

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chapter 10: Relic ReLook

I reckon with Divine intervention all sorts of things are possible...

Science said it would have been impossible for me to be cloned from the blood on the Shroud, as a blood sample so old would surely have been too degraded.

If you are someone who has bought, hook line and sinker, the carbon dating results on the Shroud, consider two things:

First— There is recent scientific evidence to refute the carbon dating results. Namely, the samples used in the carbon dating were a mix of 1st century and 16th century cloth (because that particular section of the Shroud had been repaired). The reweaving of threads from two different centuries certainly impacts the notion that the carbon dating results are the “final word” in this mystery.

Second— No one has ever been able to explain how the image got onto the cloth (even those who believe in the carbon dating results). And if it was a Medieval hoax, as those who trust the carbon dating samples insist, then how could someone living during the Middle Ages have placed the image on the cloth without having access to the technologies required to do so (technologies that had not yet been invented).

It is stunning to think that we might literally have the burial cloth of Jesus Christ in our midst and the world barely blinks an eye.

ReLook--at the relic. This mystery has not yet been solved...