Friday, July 16, 2010

Chapter 27: Reality Fields Forever

Human reality is generally confined by our perceptions, which are generally confined by our senses. Some people are able to hang out in the fringe and do things like see auras or move objects with their minds or materialize matter out of thin air. Many have been documented. Their access to reality fields extends a bit further than ours.

Some of the saints and mystics delved into alternate reality fields, as do some of those who experience stigmata or other miraculous phenomena for which no plausible explanation exists inside conventional reality.

Most of us exist in a box where we experience our lives through our senses and then make sense of our world through the information we take in and mold into our perceptions. Human life, in this way, is so limiting.

If we imagine a human frequency, beyond our senses and perceptions, a higher frequency than that of normal matter/energy, a vibratory energy (according to the Hindus), we can start to understand how some have seemingly supernatural abilities. We can also begin to fathom different reality fields stretching out into forever.

Our human construct, the thing we think we know, is solidified by our thinking we know and understand human reality. We take comfort in our box and most of us would probably prefer not to see auras or be able to move objects with our minds because what would that mean about the true nature of our reality? Is our box a complete illusion, only a construct to which we adhere for comfort's sake?

At times we all intuitively yearn for life outside the box, for alternate modalities in order to expand our existence. We sometimes experience frustration, knowing in our minds and hearts that so much more is possible, yet we remain trapped by the limitations of our human perceptions.

Certainly experiences where the normal human reality field meets the human energy field are worthwhile in that they prove that the simultaneous coexistence of the two realms of being are possible. Throughout history some people have stepped outside the box and shimmered for awhile in an alternate reality.

But no one can really define what a human energy field is. Like an electron, it exists beyond the limitations of our human definitions. We can only define it loosely, based on our observations of how it behaves. We cannot solidify it as a construct and then explain what it is made of or name its essence.

One has to wonder what modalities Christ was able to access or if He used free will to transfer His image onto the cloth of the Shroud, or to “cause” His image to appear. When any of us uses our free will to cause something to happen, we take ownership of that cause, meaning nothing else is doing the causing. It is as though our free will is connected to, or is the manifestation of, our human energy field.

Some interface between thought and matter must have allowed Christ to cause His suffering to transform into light and leave behind His serene image. He somehow released the matter of his physical body into light. And that light somehow managed to leave behind residual matter (His image).

Matter -- into light -- back into matter

Because no one has ever been able to explain or duplicate His image on the Shroud...

Because the image challenges science and religion to merge their efforts and share their insights to solve the mystery...

Because my birth resulted from having been cloned from the blood on the Shroud...

All these reasons have lead me to use my free will to cause and continue to deeply question how Christ was able to leave behind His image and why He would have chosen to do so...


Is the image on the Shroud a picture of one possibility of how the human energy field behaves?

Does a human energy field exist everywhere at the same it non-local?

Does human perception transform this frequency into solidity for the sake of controlling and comprehending our existence?

Was Christ's body at death a solid construct or a holographic image...or both?

By solidifying His image on the cloth, did Christ provide us with a glimpse into nonlocality, one that we can experience via our limited human perceptions for the sake of teaching us that we are both a solid body and a human energy frequency, capable of so much more that we realize?

If God is the consciousness that produces the appearance and awareness of the brain, matter, space, and time...then is the image on the Shroud the only human energy field perceivable to humans?

Does consciousness, via the human mind, create all realities or are all realities a manifestation of God, a consciousness that encompasses all and the human mind is just one of its realities?

If Christ's physical body was one reality field, that of solidity, then is the image on the Shroud evidence that matter (solidity) can co-exist simultaneously with the reality field of an energy frequency?

If we were to simply open ourselves and let God in on an energetic level, would we shift into deeper, more fascinating and reliable reality fields?

Is our free will to choose to live God's will for our lives equal to the choice to transform the matter of our bodies into light?

Is our free will our mechanism for the continuation of the life of our human souls?


It almost seems moot to look for answers/proof inside unexplainable phenomena...its existence already is an answer, already is the proof that we exist far beyond our perceived limitations, regardless if our senses are able to conjure perceptions that confirm this or not.

regarding matter
say it so
so be it