Sunday, August 29, 2010

Chapter 29: Hidden Symmetry

I consider myself to be a student of the Shroud of Turin. I study it and it teaches me, continuously. Locked inside its image are secrets so profound that I am compelled to persist with my exploration. I realize I will never be able to prove anything in terms of how the image got there or what it means...but the relevant journey extends far beyond any proving.

The more I contemplate the Shroud, the more I come to realize that no proof is proof. If we could recreate the image or prove how it got there, it would be of worldly things and no measure of God. The fact that we cannot reproduce it leans us towards it being something of God.

Sometimes radical thoughts about it cross my mind. The most recent of these is: The image on the Shroud is the living Christ.

If we consider Christ's death and the disappearance of His body, how can we even be sure that His death would measure equally to a normal human death? If He was a man with supernatural capabilities, then it is possible that His physical death was a mirage, or at least that something beyond the typical indicators of physical death might have been going on – especially in terms of His consciousness.

The physical disappearance of His body too indicates that some force either acted upon His body or He evoked some force, via which He was able to make His physical body disappear. Mass into energy seems simple enough, except that the tomb and likely several nearby countries would have been blasted into smithereens...

But what if He did not completely disappear and the image on the Shroud is a living residue of His physical body? Loosely defined, living would mean that it possesses an energetic quality that has a vibratory presence. A frequency, so to speak, of a living entity.

If you were not fortunate enough to see the Shroud at the 2010 exhibition, you can see it on youtube.

In the 20 hours I spent looking at the Shroud, I can say that the image itself has a pulse, a vibratory quality, as though it is simultaneously emitting and receiving light and energy from some unknown source. It has a grace and presence, calm and serenity. It feels energetically alive, not static or stagnant. It hums with the breath of the living Christ. (I wonder if anyone has ever tested it for the emission of any kind of frequency sounds).

Intuitively the image beckons us to keep searching for answers we very likely can never acquire while in our human body framework. Yet our quest to know is insatiable – even when we know we cannot know. The only reassurance we get is the intuitive impulse to keep exploring and explaining, wandering and wondering, questing and questioning...

This living energy quality of the image on the Shroud takes me back to questions of physics. Our definitions of human life and death tend to be limited to identifiable indicators of both. But if we consider questions of life and death within the larger framework of all existence, hidden energies and symmetries evoke deeper questions and meanings about life and death.

The God Particle. It's known as the Higgs Boson and physicists from around the world are on the chase for it. They know there is a range of values where the particle could be. They say it explains why everything around us has mass. They say that if it turns out it doesn't exist, then the Standard Model is incorrect. It's the only particle in the Standard Model that hasn't been observed. Some think it is the mediator of mass.


If before the Big Bang a symmetry existed, does that symmetry still exist and is the image on the Shroud is a reflection of it?

Is not the cloth under the image on the Shroud also exemplary of mediating mass? Is the Higgs Boson observable right in front of us — in the threads beneath the image on the Shroud?

If the mass of all particles, hence all matter, is derived from the Higgs field...and the Higgs Boson is the measurable particle of the Higgs field and is its own anti-particle and is CP even(charge conjugation symmetry + parity symmetry – meaning the laws of physics should be the same if a particle were interchanged with its antiparticle), then did the Higgs Field emerge from an original state of symmetry?

Does the image on the Shroud express CP symmetry? Is it CP even?

We focus so much on the actual image on the surface fibrils, but what of that which lies in the threads beneath it? Is the anti-image the mirrored parity symmetry of the image?

Does the holographic nature of the image and the mirrored image from the threads beneath bely the hidden symmetry between the image, the cloth and the mediating energy/radiation?

Is the image on the Shroud an example of simultaneous preservation and violation of CP symmetry?

The weak interaction is the only force capable of violating CP symmetry. If pions and muons decay during the weak interaction — does this mean they do not have parity symmetry?

Is the Planck mass responsible for originating consciousness?

If the resurrection was an expression of the symmetry that existed before the Big Bang, were the photons from Christ's body at resurrection the massless force carrier for electromagnetism that broke the symmetry between the other force carriers and interacted with the weak force carriers on the cloth to give the image its mass?

Does SUSY (supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model) tell us how the image was created and what it means? Are there many Higgs bosons particles or is it just a single particle?

Does SUSY account for dark matter?

And what of the theory of “weak dematerialization”? Was there some thermal neutron flux or radio-carbon anomaly that was the result of weak dematerialization of the body during resurrection? Did the release of pions and muons allow them to decay and bombard the cloth to form the image?

Did Christ use His free will to release gravity?

If nuclear radiation occurred in Christ's tomb, was the Shroud cloth irradiated by particle radiation?

Would the blast of radiation have acted as a shape charge, as though the explosion during Resurrection would have directed the force of the blast through the “projectile” (Christ's body) and onto the cloth?


Out of asymmetry comes all universes, glued together by gravity, unglued by hidden symmetry. Just as massless photons and the heavy massed W and Z bosons allow each other to coexist, so too perhaps is symmetry allowed by forces that will forever remain (to us) an unobservable mystery.

The energies we would need to explain the gravity–related gaps are impossible to obtain. Even if physicists find the Higgs Boson, the hidden symmetry of God will always remain hidden because we cannot retain our mass and our human living inside a massless sea of radiation. If we are to live in the hidden symmetry of God, we live as light.

Perhaps the resurrection is the Anti-Big Bang...or the Little Bang, where Christ imploded and released into symmetry on such a minuscule, reverse subatomic scale that the process left Him living on tiny dots of particles, evenly sprayed across a linen the mirrored inversion of the resurrection, the living radiation, the trail of mass leading us to faith.

silence holds all sound
light holds all darkness
space holds all form

mass is and is not
life is and is not
suffering is and is not
death is and is not

no proof is proof

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Chapter 28: Constructs

questions asked
theories posed

an image on a cloth reposed


suffering composed

near death
reliving the past
foretelling the future

out of body

aura emission

power of thought
mystery of dream

mind over matter
thought into matter

virtual visualization
energy elicitation
matter manipulation
density derivation
thought transformation
theory modulation
sleep simulation
human conglomeration
life liberation
death desecration

what we think we know
constructs shared
by cultures and generations

beliefs and religions
practices and faiths


no space
no time
no locality
not defined



alternate dimensions
potential futures
parallel universes


forming fate
determining destiny
creating consciousness

reality participation

why we bother
what it all means
who cares
why me
why us

anybody out there
please answer

answer seeking mongers

stuck in perceptions
defined by the physical body

mind is
consciousness is
awareness is
God is
free will is
individuality is
unity is

faith the gift paramount