Saturday, June 5, 2010

Chapter 24: Connecting the Dots

I believe the number is 2 million, people that is, from all over the world who made their way to Turin to see the imprint of the resurrected Christ on the Shroud. Imagine if He were alive and preaching how many millions would come to hear Him speak. No stadium would be large enough.

Because the Shroud contains holographic information, I'm keen on learning more about the broader concepts associated with holograms. As always, I am coming up with more questions than answers...


Does the image on the Shroud only exist because we are observing it?

All the tiny dots, the subatomic particle spray — do these dots, when measured, show us the framework of the holographic grid?

Does the Shroud cloth act as a piece of holographic film, recording interference patterns and thus remembering all the information about the entire original image?

If the part of the Shroud that contains the image were to be cut into squares, could each piece be used to reconstruct the entire image?

Could the density of neurons in the brain be responsible for a kaleidoscope of interference patterns that result from vast amounts of electrical impulses in the brain cell connectivity? In this way could Jesus have “thought” his image onto the cloth during the Resurrection?

Holograms are virtual images that create the illusion that things are located where they are not. Does nonlocality apply to the image on the Shroud?

Can we produce of Fourier Transform of the image on the Shroud?

Is the image a frequency domain that can only be transformed into our perception of reality via employing our senses? If so, does this mean that Christ left us a legible “admissions ticket” into the frequency of the Divine?

When we die, are we simply enfolded back into the one thing reality...the whole?

Is there a hidden order enfolded into the interference patterns in the image on the cloth of the Shroud?

If the totality of an image on holographic film is hidden because it is enfolded into the interference patterns, then the actual hologram projected from the film is only the perceptible version of the that same way is the image on the Shroud merely the perceptible reality and, thereby, is something far more profound enfolded into the cloth that we cannot perceive?


If we can communicate using every cell, atom, molecule in our being and all realities are unbroken, then it stands to reason that each of us is everyone else. In this way, Christ dying on the cross for all the sins of humanity makes practical sense. He would have been a fully realized human being, one with self-actualized potential. A shape shifter who could take on the pain and suffering of every single human being throughout all of space and time by essentially “becoming” the reality of everyone else.

When we do something that helps another we feel an enormous satisfaction. In that respect, perhaps Christ was comforted by a satisfaction so profound that every ounce of His (our) suffering paled in comparison. The miracle of the Shroud is that the image conveys so much more than suffering...

slats of spheres
cylindrical specters that vector
subatomic chameleon
cloud like layers
transparency indicators
of helix horizontals
webbed verticals
and implicate dimensionless electrons

the chaos illusion
now you see it
now you don't

connecting the dots
framing the grid
while photons chatter and agree
their polarization angles
instantaneous spatial orientation
crisscrossing ripples
into a deeper order
of subtle matter
where all particles agree
to nonlocality
and the unbroken