As we approach Christmas, it would be logical to say that the birth of Christ is where the Divine Remedy begins. But for me it begins further back, with the story of Mary.
When the Angel Gabriel visited Mary and told her she would bear a son, she naturally had doubt, knowing she was a virgin. Nonetheless, Mary said yes: “I am the Lord's servant; as you have spoken, so be it”; “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.”
Mary said yes.
That act of implementing her free will to allow the will of God, is where the Divine Remedy of Christ begins. Mary allowed her physical body to be imprinted with the Holy Spirit via the physical manifestation of the savior child, Jesus Christ. Despite her doubt, she surrendered her will to the will of God, and from that human surrender comes the human/divine connection.
Recently on the news I saw a story about a school district that is using textbooks that have renamed the Biblical historical periods (B.C. And A.D.). The book changes B.C. to BCE, meaning Before Common Era and A.D. to CE, meaning Common Era.
Free will can run in either direction. Mary could have said no. We each get to choose how to implement our free will. Through faith alone, Mary entrusted hers to God. And so began the divine remedy for the mystery of human suffering.