Friday, April 9, 2010

Chapter 17: Conscious Christ = Christ Consciousness

Human life should sparkle more but it is dulled by suffering. Of all the images Christ could have left behind for us, why the image of His crucified body? Even though His expression is peaceful and calm, all evidence of every torturous mark is imbued upon the Shroud.

I want to explore the idea that Christ, using His superior consciousness, was able to think His image onto the cloth.

It is so much easier to ask big questions than it is to live small lives...


Was Jesus a man with supernatural thought capacities?

Is every single thought is like a tiny particle of matter?

Is it is possible to have massless thoughts?

If thoughts are made of an electromagnetic field, then is God's mind (Christ's thoughts)able to manifest through an energy pattern as matter?

If Christ placed his image on the Shroud via some type of wave collapse or particle manipulation, could He reformulate His particles into living matter and remove Himself from the cloth and step back out into the world again as a human man?

And what of our thoughts...are we the only living entities who can receive or reject Jesus and God?

Is “receiving Jesus” something we do simply by activating our beliefs and faith? Is pointing our thoughts towards Christ enough?

Or does receiving Jesus mean allowing Him inside us by allowing His electromagnetic fields, His particles and waves, His matter into our own?

If we are the only living creatures who can have thoughts about our life and death, via our consciousness, then are we also the only living creatures whose thoughts about God can manifest Christ Consciousness?

Are thoughts of love the highest, most pure and refined electromagnetic frequency in existence?

Is human suffering an expression of collapsed matter, of infinite density?

Could gravity be the force that expresses control, while joy expresses momentum? If so, then is our need to control a manifestation of gravity, mass, and density?

Is the human soul equivalent to masslessness?

Is death infinite light and masslessness?

Does suffering enable us to perceive the coexistence of death in the midst of life?

Christ's dead body on the cloth = matter
Christ's image left behind on the cloth = matter + masslessness
Living matter + nonliving matter + dark matter passing through everything it encounters

If no one has ever seen a dark matter particle and dark matter is an invisible mass and is gravitationally attractive, could Christ have used His superior consciousness to imbue dark matter particles onto the cloth?

If we consider the spaces between the fibers on the Shroud, does dark matter allow the image to maintain its structure? Otherwise, would the weave not collapse in on itself?

And if the image rests on top of the fibers, as though subatomic particles were sprayed onto the cloth, does the same consistent rotational speed of the dark matter bind these subatomic particles to the fibers?

Millions of people, entities of living matter, are preparing to visit Turin to see the Shroud in April/May of 2010. Millions will witness the imprint of human suffering.

Human suffering is the one thing that scientists, skeptics, and believers in the Shroud all have in common.

The Conscious Christ activates Christ Consciousness. And life does indeed sparkle more, even in the midst of all our human suffering.