The crown of thorns is the mockery most noticed in the story of Christ's Passion. But what of the reed they placed in His right hand?
An instrument of irony. That reed, meant first to mock Christ as King, is the precursor to a second reed that is used to support a sponge soaked in wine and offered to Jesus before His very last breath.
The blood of a King that a King will not himself drink, but will spring forth and shower over all those who thirst.
Before the thorns, before the reeds, yellow-green palms ushered in our King.
On this sacred Sunday in Jerusalem, children weave waving palms into little baskets that carry flowers. On this sacred Sunday in Jerusalem, white sheets billow at the entrances of market stalls, burial shrouds of the surrendered-soon-to-be-risen King.
Should a loved one pass within this holy year, cover and bury the person with the sheet. Drape the person in the image of the one who makes a mockery of death every holy year.
This King, who forgives us the reeds of our shame. This King, who sits at the right hand of the Father.