“I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 1:8
Recently physicists have discovered evidence that possibly points to undermining the speed of light as the universal speed, our cosmic constant of “nothing travels faster.”
According to the theory of relativity, it takes an infinite amount of energy to make anything go faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. But now evidence exists which seems to prove that neutrinos arrive 60 nanoseconds faster than the speed of light when traveling though a vacuum.
If proven true:
Do different dimensions exist?
Would cause and effect be rendered ambiguous?
What would become of E = mc²?
Would time travel be possible?
Can Christ's image, like neutrinos, pass through everything undetected, thereby vanishing and mysteriously appearing at will as matter in the photographic negative of the Shroud?
Could the resurrected Christ capture and hold still enough neutrinos to create His image on the Shroud?
Do neutrinos capture and reflect the light of Christ?
If the sun moves light towards us and neutrinos move towards us, away from us, and through us faster than the speed of light in a vacuum, then is the resurrection that vacuum?
The image on the Shroud = resurrection matter?
Science tells us that neutrinos are particles that are produced when high energy cosmic rays collide with matter. The most common particles in the universe, neutrinos originate from radioactive interactions such as nuclear reactions, solar fusion, radioactive decay, supernovae, and cosmic rays colliding with the Earth's atmosphere.
Neutrinos are ghostly, with a non-zero yet vanishingly small mass, and they can pass through matter undetected.
Did Jesus' image on the Shroud originate from the high energy rays of the sun and radioactive disintegration?
If the image on the Shroud could be weighed, would it have a minuscule mass?
Is the image comprised of neutrinos that, for some reason, we are able to detect?
Does the image have trillions of neutrinos passing through its mass every second (just like they pass through each of our bodies every second)?
Is the image on the Shroud residual evidence of neutrinos colliding with matter?
A neutrino is a fermion, because it has half-integer spin. The three types of neutrinos – electron, muon, and tau – can spontaneously turn into one of the other forms by a process called neutrino oscillation (the neutrino flavor transition mechanism). Thus they must have some mass.
Oscillation is one complete cycle of repetitive to and fro motion, from one extreme (maximum or minimum) to another(minimum and maximum) and back. Alpha to Omega and Omega to Alpha?
Is the human Christ the only matter through which neutrinos can be detected as having moved through and then oscillated, settled, accumulated as dust on the Shroud?
Light from the resurrection = speed of light + neutrino oscillation in a vacuum?
Neutrino oscillation = the invisible mass of space = stillness?
Stillness = a byproduct of neutrino oscillation – they are moving so fast with so little mass that we experience it as stillness? (just like flying on an airplane does not create the sensation that you are moving very fast, though you are).
Image on Shroud = stillness, the shadow/image dusting of larger mass (Christ's body)?
If Christ wanted us to know stillness, is His image on the Shroud our roadmap to it?
From our present time, we look back into history through the Gospels and experience Jesus' life linearly, from Alpha to Omega.
Jesus the Alpha, traveling to us from from His conception, through His life, and up to (and after) His death would: be born, live, be crucified, die, rise from the dead, and then leave the imprint of His image on the Shroud (in that order).
Jesus the Omega, traveling to us in the opposite direction of time, would imprint His image on the Shroud before His resurrection and before His crucifixion.
The Lord is indeed the Alpha and Omega...does that mean He moves in multiple directions of time – at the same time?
Did the infinite amount of energy of Almighty God send neutrinos through the vacuum of space and onto the image on the Shroud so that we could have a way of studying, experiencing, and relating to Jesus as the Alpha and Omega?
Did His image only settle on the top fibrils of the cloth because it originated in the future and then traveled backwards through His rising and then into his dying?
Is evidence of His rising then stored in the parts of the cloth where His image vanishes?
Do we begin our understanding of Jesus' life from Omega as our starting point so that His transcending suffering marks the beginning of eternal life?
Every time we look at the image on the Shroud are we simultaneously seeing Alpha and Omega?
Neutrinos are all around us, trillions of solar electron neutrinos passing through each of our bodies every second. Even though neutrinos are extremely light in mass, because they are in such abundance, they may account for dark matter in the universe. They have an antiparticle – antineutrinos, which may be one and the same as neutrinos.
Electrically neutral leptons, neutrinos only interact through the weak sub-atomic force (as opposed to interacting between the strong or electromagnetic forces). This is why they can travel through matter quickly, barely being affected by it.
Did the matter of Christ's body reconvert into neutrinos?
If the resurrection could be seen by the naked eye, would it look
like the image on the Shroud?
Is the resurrection still happening each time we gaze upon the image?
Image on Shroud = faster than speed of light = dark matter = God?
Did Christ grace us with evidence of His will as “form” by imprinting His image on the cloth?
Trillions of neutrinos with very light mass moving through each of us every second = unique fingerprint phenomenon = Shroud image as God's fingerprint?
The letters and language of God include and reach well beyond relativity, time, space and any cosmic constants of our making. The language of God includes us.
We sink ourselves into matter, stick to it, deem it supreme, revel in its seeming significance, live according to its law of gravity.
The image on the Shroud is a matter mystery. Perhaps its message is: “Let go of matter and rise into light.”